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Inspection of oil-containing separators and compressed air supplies of 60 liters in Binh Duong
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Inspection of oil-containing separators and compressed air supplies of 60 liters in Binh Duong


Được đăng bởi admin

Được tạo vào ngày 09/05/2024 08:59
The equipment has been tested to meet Vietnamese standards and current standards. The equipment is fully qualified and put into operation with the above specifications. Time of next inspection: July 1, 2016.
Technical parameters of oil separator and compressed air supply tank
– Type, code: 330 x H670
– Design pressure: / kg/cm2
– Manufacturing number: Unknown
– Working pressure: 08.0 kg/cm2
– Manufacturing year: 2011
– Capacity: 60 liters
– Manufacturer: HANSHIN – KOREA
– Working medium: Air
– Uses of the tank: Oil separation, storage and compressed air supply
– Working temperature: ≤ 120 degrees C
External inspection:
+ Pressure-bearing parts: No bulging, cracking, or leakage detected.
+ Measuring devices, safety protection and automatic operation: Normal operation during inspection.
+ Auxiliary devices: Locking valve system ensures tightness and normal operation.
+ Air cooling and dust filtering mode: Meets technical requirements.
+ Electrical system, control system: Normal operation during testing.
Test medium: Compressed air.
Working pressure (kG/cm2): 8.5
Test pressure (kG/cm2): 8.5


Test time (Minutes): 30

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